Thursday, July 16, 2009

From Twitterverse to Blogosphere all on the World Wide Web

It certainly seems like a domino effect on the internet these days…

First it starts off with caving into Facebook and growing addicted to the creeping capabilities therein. Seems harmless.

Then you hop onto Twitter “just to be an observer” and see what tweets are twoted by twits and you pick up the lingo of RTs, @replies, #tags, and your observation turns into participation.

At this point, why not expose yourself a little more? Amirite, or amirite?

Facebook is all about how other people see you and how they want to be seen. Twitter is just… everything. But here, on a blog, that’s where you get to express how you see the world (and in more than 140 characters).

So why do I want to expose myself even more? Am I just another 21st century narcissist who wants to hear herself talk (or blog) just for the sake of making noise (or … cyber clamor?)? Entirely possible I suppose, though I like to think it’s not the case. The true aim here, in fact, is to have a way to keep Momma happy while I’m abroad for the year (If Momma ain’t happy, ain’t nobody happy) and to offer my experiences up for anyone to follow.

And yes. It’s a place where I get to make noise just for the sake of making noise.

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